The Fourth Estate

Journalists on Journalism

How was the news reported this week?

Join some of Australia’s best known journalists to talk about how news is reported, which news is reported, and how the industry is working.

Cover topics from the coverage of climate change to jobs for journalism students, and everything in between, with guests from the world of TV, newspapers and radio.

The Wire Weekly

A weekly wrap on the news and stories that matter to you, brought to you by our sectors current
affairs project, The Wire. The Wire Weekly is a great addition to your program guide, and can be taken independently or in conjunction with the regular Wire broadcasts.the w

Reading News of the Area

Linda & Beverly and bring you Reading News of the Area for the print-limited community.

Sit back and relax as they bring the news to you. Eyes not what they used to be? Having difficulty reading? Do you miss reading the paper and want to stay informed?

Catch the latest in social and political news from the local paper “Nambucca News of the Area”.

Cyberbeat News

Cyberbeat is a community driven, educational, and informative 15 minute weekly program that will keep you up to date with news and analysis on what’s happening with the internet in Australia and how it relates to you.

Mick in the Middle

With Mick Birtles.

Interviews with fascinating folks, beautiful music and what’s happening in our slice of paradise.

Weekend Surge

Sublime music, surf and footy reports, gig guide and more — pumping you up for the weekend.

With Chrisso


An informed, humorous and irreverent look at motoring and transport from Australia and overseas.

Features regular interviews with industry insiders and those well-placed for insightful comment. Each program has the following segments: News; Interview; Road Test; Quirky News.

Diffusion (Science)

Diffusion takes a look at new science, hard science, pop science, historical science and weird science. The show includes news, interviews, special features and discussion on important scientific events and issues.

Talk of the Town

Let Ceri keep you company on a Friday morning, 9-11 am., the perfect introduction to your weekend.

Listen in for great new Australian music, local info, live interviews & studio guests. Keep an eye on local issues & live musicians in the studio, with Ceri.

If you have a story to tell or community news, email <>.